Visual Designer
2019-2023 China Academy of Art
2023-2024 Royal College of Art 


GLADIATOR 2.0/2024

Gladiator 2.0, where fashion meets fitness in a vibrant fusion of style and playfulness. At the heart of our brand lies the iconic Kettlebell Handbag, a statement piece that reimagines the classic sports tool with a contemporary twist. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, our handbags boast a visual language that seamlessly blends natural elements and historical inspiration. Our distinct font design further strengthens our brand identity, ensuring that every element reflects the spirit of athleticism and strength.

XIAO HAI 小海/2024

Traces of human activity are left along the coast, and these objects bear witness to our emotional connection to the sea. We pour out our inner wounds on the beach. The objects are seen as containers that hold memories, the branches and stones symbolise the burning of memories and emotional connections. Through these objects I constructed a fictional space to record the footprints of collective and individual history.


Decay is the destruction of an organism due to the growth of microorganisms. But the decay that actually occurs is replaced in this work by fictional, manufactured symbols. I use industrialised materials and digital scans as a means of simulacra and simulation, expressing the shift in context through the process of simulated decay and the final form of decay, revealing this produced nature hidden under industrialisation. #click to see more#


At the beginning of this year, I went through a very bad time. During that time, I locked myself in my room. Before that, I hadn't stayed in my bedroom for a long time. Books were scattered throughout the room, placed in disarray, and they seemed like strange but beautiful structures existing in the space.

Hybrid House in China/2020-2023

Hybrid house in China is a project that explores the architectural style of self-built houses in China. The project conveys the stories behind the mixed architecture of the East and the West through the media of print and photography. Through visual production, the project critically considers the transformative impact of globalisation on the local landscape.

Hybrid House in China/2020-2023

Workshop(2021) outcomes

You Can Even Play Football in China/2022

Despite being the most popular sport in the world, football is not regarded as a socially beneficial or active activity in China. Instead, it projects a negative, sportive, and amusing image, creating an odd social landscape. football-based gymnastics is a product of abnormal pursuit of political achievement in physical education in China. The project, which constructs a magical realism modeling animation, drives people to review the conflict between personal strength and the state machinery, as well as the role of sports in the daily lives of the public. 

Hybrid Color As A Critical Tool/2023

This project is based on the study of urban colour from the perspective of hybrid design, through the graphic language of summarising, extracting and analysing colours, and fictionalising a hybrid colour installation. The project also reflects the critical attitude of postmodernism and promotes the spirit of urban colour, which believes that the city should be open and zigzagging.


In this project, I question the simplistic urban development model and the extremely homogenized urban landscape through a strong visual effect, which is to blow up the model combining teeth and architecture, and I have also invited urban residents to jointly envision the future of urban development.